Precautions and concerns over Coronavirus are challenging events and organizations everywhere.


It’s not just about
taking your event online

Use Caspian’s proven strategic approach to deconstruct and reinvent to accomplish even more in the virtual space.


Unsure what to do With virtual events?

  • Feeling overwhelmed & challenged by the new virtual space?

  • Unsure how to develop the best experience for your community?

  • Need to step up from the ordinary?

We Can Help

Hosting a virtual event requires the same care and attention as an in-person event.

Instead of focusing first on tools and technologies, Caspian first helps organizations deconstruct the purpose of their events, and then work with clients to achieve those same goals using technology.


In the Era of COVID-19, Putting Events Online is Missing the Point


See how Caspian can help you Think Virtually and Reimagine what virtual CONSULTING can look like for you.