High-Impact Hybrid

In this three-part series, Heather Mason takes a high-level look at her hybrid experience and perspective on the 2022-2023 landscape before delving into Caspian’s white paper on the 12 types of hybrid events. Each 90-minute training session will include: best practices, worksheets and resources, guidance on the nitty gritty, Q+A, and community building with other hybrid organizers.

Brought to you by Caspian & Conveners.org


High-Impact Hybrid: Introduction

One of the most critical issues facing our future; how can we strategically, safely, and effectively host hybrid events

High-Impact Hybrid: Question Everything

Taking inventory and challenging assumptions about what, the how, and who of hybrid convenings. When we question all our assumptions, from what our audience needs, to how we need to deliver content, to what is the purpose of in-person we start to arrive at counter intuitive and insightful conclusions.

High-Impact Hybrid: All About the Resources

How to resource one-of-a-kind convening. Who do you need on the team? What resources and technology do we need, both virtual and on-site and how much is this going to cost? We'll unlock the magic phrase that links budget and value so that you can properly resource any meaningful convening, whether it be hybrid, in-person or virtual


courses for your career

We are all looking for advice that is true, that comes from real experience, that has been tested and can work for everyone.

Until now, Heather Mason has only shared these lessons with her team and a handful of private clients. She created all the content on this site to help you get the success you desire. We can all have it - she believes in abundance, and she believes that this career and her industry can be one of joy - not stress!

“Thanks to Heather’s guidance, I feel more empowered and prepared than ever to embark on what will most likely be another challenging year for our industry.”

Devon Davey - Convener, Consultant, Ecosystem Builder

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